
Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday services are held at 10:30 am throughout the church year from September to June both in-person and online. Coffee is served at the back of the sanctuary starting at 10:00am and there is also a coffee hour following the service the first Sunday of each month.

You are welcome to attend our services exactly as you are. Some people come dressed up, most come dressed casually. We have greeters at the back of the sanctuary who will welcome you and be sure to stop by the Welcome Table and grab a nametag if it is your first time attending. We are so glad you decided to join us!

Summer and Special Services

During July and August we share services with St. Cuthbert’s Presbyterian Church and MacNeill Baptist Church. Throughout the year we also share services such as Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Blue Christmas and the first Sunday following Christmas with these churches as well as St. Paul’s Anglican Church. This ecumenical partnership dates back to the 1936! Please check our events calendar or social media for locations of summer and special services.

Online Services

Do you work Sunday mornings? Kids have hockey? Do you live far from Hamilton? On vacation? Are you unable to make it in person? We get it! You can still part of Westdale United!

Our church family includes many people who watch our livestreams each Sunday at 10:20am est. or later throughout the week at their convenience.

There are many other ways for our online church family to still be involved in the life and work of the church including hybrid groups and serving on committees remotely, Email the office or check out the “Church Community” menu above if you would like to serve our church community.

Children’s Programming

Children’s programming is available every Sunday during the church service and is directed by Carol Pickup and other screened volunteers. Children attend the service then proceed to their classes after “conversation time” during the service. Children and youth also participate in worship services throughout the year including during the Eucharist and Advent.