Upcoming Events

02 Mar 5:00 pm

The HUB Youth and Young Adult Worship Service

Come and join us for worship and a pancake dinner! Aimed at ages 15-35 but ALL are welcome to attend!
09 Mar 3:00 pm

Music Feeds The Soul Ft. Abigale Benefit Concert and Silent Auction

Join us for an afternoon with singer songwriter Abigale Peddle. Abigale is from Hodges Cove, Newfoundland. She was the 2024 Young Performer of The Year nominee at the Canadian Folk […]

Beginning December 2024!

About The Church



Westdale is a church striving to be an inclusive and progressive Christian community, seeking, affirming, caring, and acting. Westdale United Church has deep roots in the Westdale community.

Westdale United presents a building of classic church architecture, with a high vaulted ceiling, stained glass windows, and excellent acoustics. It has kept pace with time, making it accessible with an external elevator and internal lift and the complete modernization of ample washroom facilities.

Rainbow Flag Bible

2SLGBTTIQ+ Affirming

If you are looking for a congregation that is gay friendly and LGBT inclusive, look no further!

In 2013, Westdale United Church declared itself an affirming Ministry within the United Church of Canada. In December 2022, Church Council voted to explore becoming an officially Affirming congregation through Affirm United.

Being affirming means that we are committed to being a safe space, striving to be fully inclusive of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.


Faith In Action

The Outreach Ministry (Committee) at Westdale United organizes fundraising at Christmas (Westdale Christmas Project) and Easter (Lenten Fund for Others), and allocates revenue from trust funds designated for outreach activities. We have a more active involvement with Wesley Urban Ministries and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. We participate in many of the educational and advocacy campaigns of Kairos, as well as some of the social justice campaigns organized by the United Church through the national office. A portion of the weekly offering at church services goes to the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church.


Meet Our Minister

The Reverend Evan Swance-Smith (She/He/They)

Minister of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care 

Evan graduated from Emmanuel College within the Toronto School of Theology at The University of Toronto in 2013 with a Master of Divinity. Prior to this they completed an undergraduate degree in 2009 from The University of Toronto specialising in Women and Gender Studies and Sexual Diversity Studies.

Passionate about serving communities living on the margins, Evan uses their own experiences of being a frontline harm reduction worker as well as a member of the 2SLGBTIQ community to relate the gospel message to everyday life.

Evan joined the staff team at Westdale United in September 2022.

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